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Synagogue of Gamla

The remains of this synagogue, one of the oldest found in Israel, are outlined in this photograph. It apparently functioned as a community center because no specifically religious artifacts were found in it. However, the mikveh (ritual bath) uncov...


Synagogue of Korazin

Korazin was one of the cities where "most of his miracles had been performed" (Matt. 11:20). Typical of Galilean towns of the time, the synagogue occupied a prominent place on an elevated platform in the center of town, symbolizing the i...


Synagogue Today

The Synagogue ContinuesThe early Christians continued to attend synagogues, although they had a new interpretation of the Torah since Jesus had been revealed as Messiah (Acts 13:14). The new community of Jesus was born out of the synagogue, and th...


Synagogue Worship

Sabbath WorshipWhile the synagogue building functioned as a community center, school, and court during the week, it became the meeting place for prayer on the Sabbath. When the first three stars could be seen on Friday evening, the hazzan blew the...



Imagine Jesus standing on a synagogue platform and unrolling the Torah scrolls. As the community listens, he reads the familiar scriptures and pauses. Everything about the synagogue service has been routine until now, and then Jesus begins his lif...


Synagogues of Jesus' Time

Synagogues continued to be a focal point for Jewish life during the first century. By the time Jesus' ministry began, a synagogue was found in most towns of Galilee. The Gospels specifically mention those of Nazareth (Matt. 13:54) and Capernaum (M...


The Altar at Megiddo

After reaching the Promised Land, the Israelites were commanded by God to destroy the Canaanite high places (Num. 33:52) so that they would not be tempted to blend worship of the false gods of the land with the worship of Yahweh, the one true God....


The City of Dan

LocationThe city of Dan, originally called Laish, is located in northern Israel. To the east are the remarkable slopes of Mount Hermon, and the city of Caesarea Phillippi. About 30 miles south of Dan lays the Sea of Galilee.ArchaeologyArcheologist...


The High Place and Altar at Dan

The high place at Dan, in northern Israel, dates to 920 BC, when Israel was divided into the northern (Israel) and the southern (Judah) kingdoms.The high place measured 62 feet square and was surrounded by a wall. On top of the high place were bui...



Syncretism Definition

Combining different forms of belief or practice. The Israelites practiced syncretism when they tried to worship both God and Baal.


Tabernacle Definition

Means "dwelling place." It was a special tent where the Israelites worshiped God. It is sometimes called the Tent of Meeting. It was the place where God would meet his people.


Temple Definition

' A building where people woship divine beings. God told Israel to build him a temple and worship him there. God showed his people that he was with them by having his presence in the temple. In the New Testament, we learn that the new temple is n...

