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Discovery Guides

Volume 11 | Path to the Cross Discovery Guide

Faith Lesson Discovery Guides are designed to interact with and support the video sessions. A group outline and video discussion segments are provided for the weekly meeting, plus five days of personal reflection and study between the video sessio...



Volume 11 | Path to the Cross Discovery Guide

Faith Lesson Discovery Guides are designed to interact with and support the video sessions. A group outline and video discussion segments are provided for the weekly meeting, plus five days of personal reflection and study between the video sessio...


A Far Country Decapolis

The Decapolis is mentioned by name only three times in the New Testament. In addition to these three instances, on at least two other occasions, Jesus visited specific locations in the largely pagan league of cities to the east of the Sea of Galil...



The Essenes



An Essene Cistern

In the Qumran community, the Essenes created several cisterns that, as shown here, were plastered and had steps to allow them to access water. At least two of these cisterns are believed to be mikvoth, ceremonial or ritual baths used for actual cl...


John the Baptist

Did John the Baptist live at Qumran? See the Dead Sea Scrolls? Write any of them? These questions have gripped scholars because the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal remarkable similarities between the Essenes and John's teachings and practices:- John the B...


Judean Wilderness

The Judean Wilderness occupies the area from the eastern slopes of the Judea Mountains down to the Great Rift Valley, and runs along the western shore of the Dead Sea.Very little rain falls here, so there are very few plants or animals. Many deep ...


Misguided faith

Belvoir's FortressBuilt by French Crusaders with a moat, outer walls, and an inner building, Belvoir looks like a European fortress transplanted onto Israel's soilBuilt by a group of French Crusaders, the Belvoir fortress stands in an area of nort...



Belial Definition

Hebrew meaning "useless." Came to be applied to the devil by the Essenes and the early Christians (2 Cor. 6).


Defense Tower Definition

Scholars debate the importance of the large tower that once stood in Qumran because it was essentially a religious community of separatists who lived in a peaceful, almost monastic existence. The Essenes did, however, believe in the Messiah's immi...


Essenes Definition

A highly organized religious group that renounced the priestly establishment and saw themselves as God's soldiers. They strengthened their bodies, minds, and spirits for the battle they believed would usher in the new age. The Dead Sea Scrolls fou...


Judea Wilderness Definition

The eastern slopes of the Judea Mountains form a 10-mile-wide, 30-mile-long hot, dry wilderness frequently used as a refuge for those in hiding or seeking a spiritual retreat, including the Essenes at Qumran, John the Baptist, David, and Jesus. Si...


Manual of Discipline Definition

One of the writings of the Essenes found among the Dead Sea Scrolls; it describes the rules of the community.

